Friday, June 4, 2010

Having money for the first time in a long time

When you have money on a regular basis, you don't really buy a lot of things when you make the trip to the mall. You buy what you need at the time. When you go without money for a long time, you make do with whatever you've got, which kinda sucks, but it's not like you have a choice. Then, when you finally have money, you go and get everything you need.

I received my first paycheck from my current job, 345 dollars of pure joy. I decided to go to the mall and buy things I felt I needed.

- deodorant (3)
- lotion
- foot powder
- mints
- chapstick (2)
- underwear (8 pairs)
- shirts (9)

When you buy all of these things at the same time, I wonder if the cashier actually thinks about what you're buying. I know I would. I would then think, wow, this guy needs all this stuff right away? How's he been getting by until now? Must've been one smelly, chapped-lip, commando, shirtless son of a bitch. I feel almost obligated to explain myself to the cashier. "It's payday, I finally have some money." But then again, that's egocentric, thinking that the cashier actually gave a shit about me in the slightest, dealing with upwards of 50 customers per day. How silly of me.