Sunday, May 30, 2010

Starbucks/Adlibbing crappy stories.

Today, I went to Starbucks to meet up with a handful of university friends. I new anything I got there was going to be too expensive. I bought an iced tea. that came up to 1.94. I expected since the size was called Tall that the drink might be a reasonable size. It was small, and tasted shitty anyway. What a waste.

One of the girls there has an interesting romantic life, and when I say interesting, I mean she deals with some cracked out assholes. But whatever. Anyway, most of the time, when people tell me stories, I tend to assume they're going to be boring. So once in a while, I'll chime in and finish their sentences with something that I find amusing or something that is inappropriate (which I also find amusing). For example, today, the girl was discussing the story of her run in with a certain other male friend of mine. Names have been changed to protect those involved.

girl: So when I met Bob, I was really really drunk, so I thought-
me: -You wanted to give him a handjob?
girl: No, I thought he was cute.
me: Continue your story.
girl: So I walk up to him, and he says all smoothly-
me: "I would love it if you gave me a handjob."
girl: OH MY GOD! no. He says it's a little loud in here, wanna go talk in my room? It's right downstairs.
me: so then you say. "I give you happy ending. 5 doh-lah."
girl: You're disgusting.
me: Sorry, continue your story.
girl: So I go up to Natasha, and I say I'm going to leave with him. She says no, and Bob wanders off. When I see him again-
me: He's making out with Natasha?
girl: Shut up. No, he's talking to some other girl. I didn't really talk to him after that.
me: That story sucked.
girl: You're an asshole.

I have better examples of this, but whatever. This happened today, and I thought it was funny, always bringing the joke back to the same handjob related theme. =]
That girl pretty much hates me now, but I still had fun making fun of her.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Job.

I get paid 12 dollars an hour to do pretty much nothing, alongside funny filipino people.

The downside? I work 11pm-7am.

Looks like I'm going nocturnal this summer.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I have a problem.

I'm pretty obsessed with having perfectly sharp knives, because seriously, what's the point in having a dull knife, unless of course, it's for spreading awesome nutella on your bread.

So I spent the better part of my day sharpening knives, using a sharpening stone for the main process, and a leather belt for polishing.

The knives are now sufficiently sharp.

This, along with the humidity caused me to begin sweating, so the rest of my day has been spent mostly sitting still, as described in my post from 2 days ago.

I start work tomorrow. How productive of me. thumbs down.

many thumbs down.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Nothing better than sitting in your underpants, absolutely still, while watching Star Wars on a hot Sunday afternoon.


Physical activity always hurts the next day.
Why do I bother? boooooooo.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Keeping Cool in the Summer Weather.

My sister Amanda was complaining today about her poorly ventilated apartment. She explained to me how she wakes up in the night, uncomfortable, and as such, has trouble falling asleep again, tossing and turning for hours on end.

I am sympathetic to her plight, but I disagree with her methods.

Tip 1. STOP MOVING. You'll produce less heat, and thus reach some temperature equilibrium.

Tip 2. You could walk over to the bathroom and splash cold water on your face, but that seems like too much effort (T.M.E).

I would write more, but T.M.E.

P.S. Please see my sister's art blog,, she's kinda awesome.

Edit: My uncle Jesse is currently applying the 'do nothing' method on the couch next to me. Well done.