Friday, July 30, 2010

Coffee coffee coffee, how I love thee. You get me through the day, you are very enjoyable alongside a cigarette and how very 'regular' you keep me.

I have a caffeine addiction. It's a problem. A cup of coffee when I wake, a cup of coffee before work, after meals, hanging out with friends. So much coffee, and I wonder why my heart goes a mile a minute after being up for the better part of THREE DAYS STRAIGHT. I was finally self-aware of this addiction this morning when the nescafe' coffee machine at my workplace gypped me of my coffee. What happened was...the little paper cup didn't drop properly, so when the coffee dispensed, it dispensed right into the drain below. TEAR TEAR =(

Needless to say, I didn't even get upset. Instead, I planned my next move. I immediately put the next dollar into the machine, and when the cup dropped, I ignored the "drink filling" red light, and shoved my hand into the slot, putting the cup where it needed to be. Luckily, I didn't burn my hand, but even if I did, I wouldn't have minded. COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE. *Drools*.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I always discover new things to talk about in this blog while I'm working at night. The problem is, recently, I've had trouble remembering what I was going to talk about.

I finally remembered one.

The vast majority of popular music is bass, snare, and questionable lyrics.

I swear, every time one of the new "hottest" tracks is released, the lyrics involve going to the club, being dressed in high fashion, doing shots, and convincing women that it's okay to cheat on their boyfriends when said men are not around. It's kind of upsetting to hear younger people spouting these lyrics, posting to their facebook statuses, and what have you, as if it were religious doctrine. Maybe I'm just super conservative. Or maybe the morals of today are far too liberal.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

People have been telling me I have a nice voice, and that I should be on the radio. Does that just mean I'm ugly? The term "a face for radio" comes to mind.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Yay, there's internet at my new apartment now. =] Degenerate behaviour shall resume as soon as the house is fully moved. That should take about 3-4 more days.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Almost completely moved into my new apartment now, since we hired movers to bring the really big items on Thursday. There's still a lot of random crap to bring, but that's really all my parents stuff. The only things I still have at this house are my laptop, a container with clothes, and my guitars. As of tomorrow, I will staying at the apartment full time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

no homo, but I think the Jonas Brothers are actually kinda talented.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

fixed my bike the other day, hoping to get a good ride on that thing at some point this week...if i'm not too tired or too lazy to move...kinda like right now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I got nothing. Be back in a couple of days.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My past-times

Current hobbies:

- Playing guitar
- Smoking cigarettes (usually while drinking coffee)
- Playing poker online (I'm actually not bad)
- Sitting (takes up the majority of my day)
- Eating.

I've also been working out every other day since...two weeks ago or something.
The scale says I've lost 5lbs, but I don't look different. Current weight is 190lbs. I intend on being 165-170 by earliest...September 2010, latest...April of 2011. Motivation is difficult, but if I never put in the effort, I'll never be successful.

On another note, my iPod came back in the mail. The hold switch works properly, thank the good sweet Lord. I didn't want to have to send that thing back again.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

For some reason, there's been a baby blue jay on my front porch for a couple of days. It's not there the whole time, but it's there. This morning, as I was trying to get into my house after returning from work, the baby blue jay's mother attacked me. Really, she just headbutted me. Not cool, man.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My New iPod

Those who know me know I am highly against buying the sleek, stylish products of one Apple Incorporated. However, having purchased an iPod Touch for my father on ebay, I stumbled onto an auction for a 160gb Black iPod Classic. Such high capacity even weakens my hatred for Apple, and I won the auction for the device. I am pleased with it. Such high storage space gives me the ability to have so many friggin' songs available for people should they decide to listen to my iPod. You want "Boogie Nights"? I got "Boogie Nights".

EDIT: My hold switch was faulty. I sent it back to be exchanged. BLAH

Friday, July 9, 2010

Found the remote

For some reason, I'm still watching the family channel. :P

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where's the remote?

So usually, when I get home from work, I pop on the comedy network, or spike. I turned on the family channel the other day because they were showing the original Batman movie, and I haven't been able to find the remote since. So when I get home from work, I watch "Handy Manny", "The Imagination Movers" and "Wizards of Waverly Place" before eventually passing out on the couch. I think it's cute how Handy Manny essentially teaches children spanish, by the many spanish characters on the show saying spanish sentences, and immediately repeating the phrase in english. =] The imagination movers is lame, and I really don't want to explain what it's about. Wizards of Waverly place is overacted, but I'm still amused. I need to find the remote control very badly.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My bed sucks.

All of last academic year, I slept on my sister's old mattress. She had used that very same mattress through most of her youth, and as such, was very used to its...form, so to speak. It is probably the worst mattress in the history of man, and I'm including beds made out of pure granite. This mattress feels like it would be more comfortable than the floor, but if you thought that, you'd be wrong, because I've felt better waking up on the floor than with the devil-mattress. Or maybe I'm just bitter because I slept on it today, my back now really hurts, and I have to work all night.

Sure, I'm bitter for other reasons, but this is today's number one.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

to those who prefer vitamin/flavoured water to regular water.

Really, you're just drinking juice. Don't be like, "Oh man, I'm so thirsty, I need some water," and then go and get a raspberry or citrus water. Just get some regular water and stop being a huge douchebag about it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Having a random day off during the week is not the greatest holiday

Why couldn't my work just let me work yesterday, and have today off instead? I would've loved them for that, but nooooo, having thursday off was what happened. Fan-friggin'-tastic. Now my sleep pattern is all screwy for tonight. Now I feel like garbage (pronounced gar-bahhhhhge).

I need something to do. Any suggestions?