Monday, December 9, 2013

I am so very clearly doing schoolwork.

As I sit in the learning commons of my college, blaring music on my headphones to spare my ears from the accented babbling of international students, I ponder all of the poor choices I had made during university. I have continued to make these same poor choices during this semester at college, choosing to read poker books or my facebook timeline instead of doing my assigned work or, God-forbid, exercise. So I have decided to come up with my new year's resolution a little sooner.

These resolutions are intended to set me on a course for consistency and hopefully foster productivity.

1. Start to develop an exercise regimen that does not involve me running down the stairs to get the door for the pizza delivery man. Just 15 minutes a day to start, and increasing intensity and duration as motivation allows.

2. Work on the procedure analysis sections of lab reports on the days that labs are performed. This will ensure that information about the lab is still fresh in my mind.

3. Do not use lectures as a place to dick around on my laptop. Even better than that would be to not bring my laptop to school at all.

Now, I resolve to finish up my work for the day.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you graduated man

    You should come out west where the new cyclotron will be built
